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Wednesday, 20 October 2010

Year 12 Creative Media BTEC - Lesson 7 - Collating & Presenting Your Results

Here are the instructions to follow for your group to start collating your results, remember that once you have collated your results onto an excel document you should then share it electronically across the group and begin work individually to present your results.

Sunday, 10 October 2010

Year 10 - Media Studies BTEC, 11/10/10


Use a venn diagram in your exercise books to compare 2 clips. Concentrate on these questions;

  • What area of the topic have the two reports focused on?
  • What techniques have been used to present the story? Think about the use of images, moving image, interviews and spoken word.

After you have completed your venn diagram write a short answer to the following question:

Why have the two programmes presented their story in the ways they have?

In order to prepare for this task you need to watch the two clips. The first is a Newsround report in the 2010 World Cup and the second is a BBC News at 6pm report on the same topic. Here are the links to these clips: