Watch this version of the Kuleshov video made by a group of students. Think about these questions;
- What is the purpose of editing?
- What would film/television be like if editing had never been invented?
A blog for all my Media Studies students at North Birmingham Academy
These are links to sites which discuss some famously well edited film sequences - you might want to use these for your essay;
An example of an action match is:
An example of an eyeline match is:
You should also consider these questions for your introduction:
In order to gain a DISTINCTION in this task you must:
The 7 questions you have been working on since Wednesday should address all of these sections of your essay but you will also need to find examples and quotes to support your ideas. You now need to plan the structure and basic content of your essay.
Use this table as a template and use my examples to help you complete a version of your own (you will need to create a copy of this table in a word document).
Use this template to then write your introduction to your essay, you can use this example to help you.
By the end of the first double lesson you should have completed these tasks and hand them into the teacher so they can check your name off the list to say you have completed this work.
In the second double lesson you need to continue working on your newsletters for Miss Sprigg's unit - remember that you have a deadline for this work and you've been given extra time in this lesson to complete it.
A tip - remember the Kuleshov Effect video we watched in the lesson on Wednesday, he was very important to the development of editing so look him up and another Russian filmmaker called Eisenstein. Another tip is to look at this google page you have completed your venn diagram write a short answer to the following question:
Why have the two programmes presented their story in the ways they have?
In order to prepare for this task you need to watch the two clips. The first is a Newsround report in the 2010 World Cup and the second is a BBC News at 6pm report on the same topic. Here are the links to these clips: