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Monday, 29 November 2010

Year 12 - Media Studies BTEC - Wednesday 1st December


Watch this version of the Kuleshov video made by a group of students. Think about these questions;

  1. What is the purpose of editing?
  2. What would film/television be like if editing had never been invented?

Year 10 - Media Studies BTEC - Product Analysis Case Study

Here is an example of what your case study might look like and some ideas of how to word your answers.

Friday, 19 November 2010

Year 12 - Lesson 2 - Editing

These are the slides from the lesson -

These are links to sites which discuss some famously well edited film sequences - you might want to use these for your essay;

Thursday, 11 November 2010

Year 12 Media BTEC - Editing Examples

An example of a graphic match is:

An example of an action match is:

An example of an eyeline match is:

Year 12 - Media BTEC - Tasks to complete Friday 12/11/10

Your first task for Unit 15 is to write an essay which discusses the principles of editing and how the forms and techniques of editing have developed over time. You have started some basic research for this and now is a good time to think about the content and structure of your essay, this will tell you how much more research you need to do to be ready to start writing the essay.

Start by breaking up the essay into the sections/questions you have to address;

  1. What are the principles of editing?
  2. How have the techniques of editing developed over time and through technology?

You should also consider these questions for your introduction:

  1. What is editing?
  2. How is it used in the construction of media products?

In order to gain a DISTINCTION in this task you must:

  • Critically evaluate the principles and development of editing
  • Use illustrative examples and supporting arguments (quotes from media experts)

The 7 questions you have been working on since Wednesday should address all of these sections of your essay but you will also need to find examples and quotes to support your ideas. You now need to plan the structure and basic content of your essay.

Use this table as a template and use my examples to help you complete a version of your own (you will need to create a copy of this table in a word document).

Use this template to then write your introduction to your essay, you can use this example to help you.

By the end of the first double lesson you should have completed these tasks and hand them into the teacher so they can check your name off the list to say you have completed this work.

In the second double lesson you need to continue working on your newsletters for Miss Sprigg's unit - remember that you have a deadline for this work and you've been given extra time in this lesson to complete it.

Year 12 - Media BTEC - Editing Research Questions

Here are the questions you need to answer for your research;
  1. What is editing?
  2. Why do people edit film and video?
  3. How have editing techniques developed over time?
  4. How have editing techniques developed technologically?
  5. What are the basic principles of editing?
  6. Find out about 3 important people involved in the development of editing.
  7. Find out about 3 important films for the development of editing.

A tip - remember the Kuleshov Effect video we watched in the lesson on Wednesday, he was very important to the development of editing so look him up and another Russian filmmaker called Eisenstein. Another tip is to look at this google page
If you click on the timeline it shows you the different things that happened in film and editing during that era. I've also photocopied some fact sheets for you in case you're struggling to find information on the internet - these are quite basic so you will still need to use the internet but they'll help you get started.

Wednesday, 20 October 2010

Year 12 Creative Media BTEC - Lesson 7 - Collating & Presenting Your Results

Here are the instructions to follow for your group to start collating your results, remember that once you have collated your results onto an excel document you should then share it electronically across the group and begin work individually to present your results.

Sunday, 10 October 2010

Year 10 - Media Studies BTEC, 11/10/10


Use a venn diagram in your exercise books to compare 2 clips. Concentrate on these questions;

  • What area of the topic have the two reports focused on?
  • What techniques have been used to present the story? Think about the use of images, moving image, interviews and spoken word.

After you have completed your venn diagram write a short answer to the following question:

Why have the two programmes presented their story in the ways they have?

In order to prepare for this task you need to watch the two clips. The first is a Newsround report in the 2010 World Cup and the second is a BBC News at 6pm report on the same topic. Here are the links to these clips:

Sunday, 26 September 2010

Year 10 Media Studies BTEC - Lesson 3

These are the full instructions you will need to follow the tasks for this lesson. All the work you do today will go towards your first Task for Unit 4 so make sure you are all working hard despite me not being there. Also if you would like to download these slides just go to slideshare and create an account.

Year 10 Media Studies BTEC - Lesson 2

Below is the slideshow from Lesson 2.

Year 10 Media Studies BTEC - Lesson 1

Below is the slideshow from Lesson 1. If you want to download the slides sign up for a slideshare account first and you can then download the slides to save for future reference.

Wednesday, 22 September 2010

Year 12 Creative Media - Unit 1, Task 1

These are the instructions for the structure and content of Task 1 fron Unit 1

Thursday, 16 September 2010

Year 12 Creatve Media BTEC - Intro

Below is the slideshow from Lesson 1 and if you click on the links at the bottom of the page titled Year 12 Creative Media BTEC Assignment Brief, Year 12 Creative Media BTEC Programme Treatment and Year 12 Creative Media BTEC Key Terms Glossary - these will take you to my podbean page where you can download a copy of the Assignment Brief, Programme Treatment and Key Terms Glossary.

Sunday, 5 September 2010

Year 8 English - Superheroes Homework (1)

Go to and click on the 'Characters' tab at the top of the homepage. This will take you to two lists of Superhero and Super-Villain characters. Pick any character you like from the first list which is called 'Published'. When you click on their name you will be taken to a profile all about that character. Use some of the close reading strategies you have learnt today to write 6 questions about the character that you know a person will fin the answer to if they read the profile. See slideshow below for more instructions.