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Thursday, 11 November 2010

Year 12 - Media BTEC - Editing Research Questions

Here are the questions you need to answer for your research;
  1. What is editing?
  2. Why do people edit film and video?
  3. How have editing techniques developed over time?
  4. How have editing techniques developed technologically?
  5. What are the basic principles of editing?
  6. Find out about 3 important people involved in the development of editing.
  7. Find out about 3 important films for the development of editing.

A tip - remember the Kuleshov Effect video we watched in the lesson on Wednesday, he was very important to the development of editing so look him up and another Russian filmmaker called Eisenstein. Another tip is to look at this google page
If you click on the timeline it shows you the different things that happened in film and editing during that era. I've also photocopied some fact sheets for you in case you're struggling to find information on the internet - these are quite basic so you will still need to use the internet but they'll help you get started.