Unit 1: Pre-preproduction Techniques
Unit 16: Film & Video Editing Techniques
Unit 22: Single Camera Techniques
Last lesson we started our report which will help you with all the theories of media that you will use in order to produce amazing short films. The report will consist of three very distinct sections, each one covering the first Assessment Objective from the 3 units we are assessing through this project;
Unit 1, AO1: Understand the pre-production requirements for a short film
Unit 16, AO1: Understand the development and principles of editing
UNit 22, AO1: Understand the features of a single camera production
The slides below are instructions and guidance for writing your introduction for this report (which you should have finished last lesson!!).
In today's lesson we are going to begin the research in order to write the first section of your report which will cover Unit 1, AO1: Understand the pre-production requirements for a short film.
The slides below are from the lesson today - you will need to use these to help you begin your research and start writing this section of your report.