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Monday, 16 May 2011

Year 11, BTEC, Task 2, 17th May 2011

For this task you must produce a case study about job roles, contracts and working practices in the media industry. To help you with this I have split the case study up into sections with questions you need to address and produced resources for you to use as you initial research (see slides below).

In your case study you MUST cover the following:

  • Explain each job type you will find in the media industry - what does each job entail and suggest some real jobs that fit into these categories (you can use my suggestions, but in order to get a MERIT/DISTINCTION you MUST find some of your own too)

  • Research ONE job from each role and explain it in detail. For example you will have explained one technical job, one creative job, one mangerial job, etc.

  • Explain the different working hours you find within the media industry and suggest a job role which fits into each different category. Explain why that job might work with the working hours you have suggested.

  • Explain working practices - what are they, why do we have them, give some examples.

  • Explain who the ASA are and what they do

  • Explain how the ASA are part of the media industries working practices - what do they moderate and why is their work important?

  • Find an example of a banned advert (print or tv) on the ASA website and produce a case study about it - expplain and analyse the advert, find the ASA report about it and explain who might have complained about it and why. Describe what the ASA did about it.

  • Ask a peer about their opinions - was the ASA right? Was the person/s who complained right? Include this AND your own opinion as the conclusion of your report (A TIP - remember what we have learnt about audience classification - LLCAGES)