In your case study you MUST cover the following:
- Explain each job type you will find in the media industry - what does each job entail and suggest some real jobs that fit into these categories (you can use my suggestions, but in order to get a MERIT/DISTINCTION you MUST find some of your own too)
- Research ONE job from each role and explain it in detail. For example you will have explained one technical job, one creative job, one mangerial job, etc.
- Explain the different working hours you find within the media industry and suggest a job role which fits into each different category. Explain why that job might work with the working hours you have suggested.
- Explain working practices - what are they, why do we have them, give some examples.
- Explain who the ASA are and what they do
- Explain how the ASA are part of the media industries working practices - what do they moderate and why is their work important?
- Find an example of a banned advert (print or tv) on the ASA website and produce a case study about it - expplain and analyse the advert, find the ASA report about it and explain who might have complained about it and why. Describe what the ASA did about it.
- Ask a peer about their opinions - was the ASA right? Was the person/s who complained right? Include this AND your own opinion as the conclusion of your report (A TIP - remember what we have learnt about audience classification - LLCAGES)