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Friday, 25 November 2011
Monday, 21 November 2011
Thursday, 17 November 2011
Year 13 - Evaluation
Your evaluation should assess both the processes of your project and the project itself. You should split it into sections - Pre-production, production, post-production and evaluation of the video.
Pre-production - What were the different stages of your pre-production. You must explain what you did, why you did it. Then you need to assess the effectiveness or how successful those decisions were.
Example -
In this evaluation I am going to discuss and analyse my production project. My task was to work in a group to produce a music video. We had to undertake all of the stages of production that a real music video producer would in the industry, we began with research and planning for the production, then we had a production period and finally we completed our post-production. Also like the real industry we had to work to a deadline and display professional standards of working practices.
The first part of our project was to independently research and analyse music video conventions and techniques. This allowed me to fully understand not only the conventions and techniques used in music videos but also the effect these have on the audience. ETC
There are many stages of pre-production such as; pitching, storyboarding, scripting, location checks and risk assessments. ETC
You now need to go through each stage of your pre-production, explain what you did, any problems you faced and how you overcame them. Why you made the decisions you did and how effective or successful you think it was.
As above, go through each stage of your production and explain what you did, why, problems you overcame, how successful these were.
As above, go through each stage of your pose-production and explain what you did, why problems you overcame and how successful these were.
Wednesday, 16 November 2011
Wednesday, 9 November 2011
Year 12, BTEC, Short Film Production Project
Unit 1: Pre-preproduction Techniques
Unit 16: Film & Video Editing Techniques
Unit 22: Single Camera Techniques
Last lesson we started our report which will help you with all the theories of media that you will use in order to produce amazing short films. The report will consist of three very distinct sections, each one covering the first Assessment Objective from the 3 units we are assessing through this project;
Unit 1, AO1: Understand the pre-production requirements for a short film
Unit 16, AO1: Understand the development and principles of editing
UNit 22, AO1: Understand the features of a single camera production
The slides below are instructions and guidance for writing your introduction for this report (which you should have finished last lesson!!).
In today's lesson we are going to begin the research in order to write the first section of your report which will cover Unit 1, AO1: Understand the pre-production requirements for a short film.
The slides below are from the lesson today - you will need to use these to help you begin your research and start writing this section of your report.
Monday, 10 October 2011
Friday, 7 October 2011
Wednesday, 5 October 2011
Year 12 BTEC - Unit 8, Assignment 3
Friday, 30 September 2011
Year 12 - Unit 8, Assignment 2
Wednesday, 28 September 2011
Year 12 BTEC Media
Friday, 23 September 2011
Year 12 BTEC - Homework, due Wednesday 28th September 2011
A story treatment is the next stage of the creative process where you start to flesh out the 'bones' of your story. In your treatment you MUST:
The genre of your film
The title of your film
The character profiles for your main characters - this much include; their full name, age, what they are like, what they look like and their family background/childhood etc.
Remember your 5 part narratives and BE CREATIVE!!!!!! I want to be entertainedon Wednesday!!!!!
Wednesday, 14 September 2011
Year 12 - BTEC Media - Why do films matter?
Tuesday, 13 September 2011
Year 11 BTEC - Audio Production Essay
Friday, 9 September 2011
Year 13 BTEC - Homework
Thursday, 8 September 2011
Wednesday, 7 September 2011
Year 12 BTEC Media - Film Reviews
Wednesday, 15 June 2011
Year 12 - Film Studies Reading - Marketing
Monday, 13 June 2011
Friday, 10 June 2011
Year 12 - Cover Work
First go to this webpage:
Here you will find a storyboard which briefly explains each step of the filmmaking process, you must use this as a guide to research your chosen film and produce a case study which will explain its production, distribution and exhibition. Start your case study with a summary of the plot of the film.
See the slides below for further instructions and an example.
Wednesday, 18 May 2011
Monday, 16 May 2011
Year 11, BTEC, Task 2, 17th May 2011
In your case study you MUST cover the following:
- Explain each job type you will find in the media industry - what does each job entail and suggest some real jobs that fit into these categories (you can use my suggestions, but in order to get a MERIT/DISTINCTION you MUST find some of your own too)
- Research ONE job from each role and explain it in detail. For example you will have explained one technical job, one creative job, one mangerial job, etc.
- Explain the different working hours you find within the media industry and suggest a job role which fits into each different category. Explain why that job might work with the working hours you have suggested.
- Explain working practices - what are they, why do we have them, give some examples.
- Explain who the ASA are and what they do
- Explain how the ASA are part of the media industries working practices - what do they moderate and why is their work important?
- Find an example of a banned advert (print or tv) on the ASA website and produce a case study about it - expplain and analyse the advert, find the ASA report about it and explain who might have complained about it and why. Describe what the ASA did about it.
- Ask a peer about their opinions - was the ASA right? Was the person/s who complained right? Include this AND your own opinion as the conclusion of your report (A TIP - remember what we have learnt about audience classification - LLCAGES)
Wednesday, 9 March 2011
Year 12 - Edward Scissorhands Task
Monday, 7 March 2011
Year 10 - Creative Media BTEC - Unit 3, Task 1
Wednesday, 16 February 2011
Year 12 Media BTEC - Film Research Lesson
Monday, 7 February 2011
Wednesday, 26 January 2011
Year 12 - Media Studies BTEC - Peer Assessment
Use this form to respond to the feedback you were given.